JAVA J2EE Development

Now, we are offering only ONLINE Training at a great 10% discounted price

Training Duration: 120 Hrs (around 4 months)
Course Fee : 12,500 11,250

Course Structure:
In our JAVA course we offer both Core JAVA and Advanced JAVA/J2EE.
Students also get the option to learn Spring & Hibernate as an additional module.


Module 1: Java Fundamental and Programming Concepts

a) Introduction to Java, b) Key Features, c) Types of Java Applications, d) Overall Architecture of JVM with JIT and JRE, e) Installation of Java, f) Command and Tools (javac, java), g) IDE (Eclipse/Netbeans). h) Programming Syntax and Rules, i) Keywords and Statements, Identifier, Literals, j) Data Types (Primitive & Non-premitive), k) Variable (Local, Static, Global), l) Type Casting (Wider & Narrow), m) Operators (Arithmetic, Logical, Relational), n) Conditional Statement (If-else, Switch-case), o) Loops (For, While, Do-While), p) Continue & Break Statement, q) User Defined Functions (Return, Non-return type, Parameterize).

Module 2: Object Oriented Programming and Package

a) Advantages of OOPS, b) Class and Objects, c) Constructor, Constructor Overloading, d) Inheritance, e) interface, f) Aggregation, g) Access Modifier (Public, Private, Protected), h) Polymorphism, i) Encapsulation, j) Abstraction, k) Overloading and Overriding, l) Use of this and super keywords, m) Dynamic Binding. n) Boxing and Un-boxing, o) Garbage Collection and Finalize p) Concept and Advantages of Package, q) System Packages (lang, util, awt), r) Creating Package and Sub-packages, s) Import Package

Module 3: String Handling, Regular Expression and Wrapper class

a) String Class, b) Mutable and Immutable String, c) StringBuffer and StringBuilder Class, d) String Manipulation, e) Predefined String Functions, f) StringTokenizer Class g) Java Regular Expression- Regex Class, h) Matcher class, j) Pattern class, k) Wrapper Class, l) Usage of Wrapper Class-Integer, Float, Double, m) Predefined Functions of Each Wrapper Class

Module 4: Array, Enumeration and Collections

a) Array Declaration, b) Single Dimension and Multi Dimension Array, c) Array element sorting and Searching, d) Manipulating Array by predefined Array functions, e) Array pass by reference, f) Array of Objects. g) Concept of Data Structure and Collection Framework, h) Collection Interfaces- List, Queue, Set, i) Iteration and Enumeration, j) Collection Mapping, k) Generic Collections.

Module 5: I/O Stream and File Handling

a) Stream- Byte Stream and Character Stream, b) Standard Stream, c) Basic Console Input and Output. d) File Stream e) File Reader and Writer f) File Operation- File Write, read, copy, File content search

Module 6: Thread and Exception Handling

a) Concept of Threading and Multi-threading, b) Thread vs. Process, c) Thread Life-cycle and states, d) Thread Declaration- Extend Threads and Implements Runnable, e) Thread Functions- run(), start(), f) Inter-thread Communication-join(), sleep(), wait(), notify(), g) Thread Synchronization and Deadlock. h) Types of Errors, i) Checked and Unchecked Exception, j) Example of Pre-defined Exception, k) Throw vs. Throws, l) Try-Catch-Finally Block, m) Custom Exception.

J2EE / Advance Java

Module 1: Concept of GUI and Desktop Application [AWT, Applet and Swing]

a) Concept of AWT, b) AWT Classes, c) Applet and Advantages of Applet, d) Applet Skeleton, e) appleviewer, f) Example of Some small Graphics Programs. g) Swing and JFC, h) UI Elements of Swing, i) Event Handling and Listener, j) Swing Adapter, k) Swing Layout, l) Swing Container and Menu.

Module 2: Fundamentals of Client Side Scripting and Introduce to Java IDE

a) Web Page Structuring by HTML Tags, b) Applying CSS Style, c) Concept of Client Side Scripting, d) Web Page validation by JavaScript, e) Advanced UI by jQuery. f) Advantages of Java IDE, g) Introduce with Netbeans/Eclipse environment, h) Code implementation and execution.

Module 3: Server Side Scripting- JSP and Database Connectivity-JDBC with Oracle

a) Advantages of JSP, b) Life cycle of JSP, c) Directory Structure of JSP, d) JSP Scriptlet, Expression and Declaration tag, e) JSP Request and Response, f) JSP directive and action, g) JSP Session and Cookie, h) JSP Application and Page Object i) Concept of DBMS , j) SQL Query- DDL, DML, DCL, k) Execute query in Oracle, l) Database connectivity by JDBC in JSP.

Module 4: Web Application-Servlet and JSTL with Custom Tag Library

a)Introduce to Servlet, b) Advantages of Servlet, c) Servlet Life cycle, d) ServletRequest and ServletContext, e) Servlet Attribute and Filter, f) HttpSession and Cookie., g) CRUD operation with Database in Servlet. h) Introduction to JSTL, i) JSP- Standard Tag Library, j) XML Data, k) Java Beans

Module 5: Advanced Web Application with Servlet and JSP

a) File Uploading, b) Emil Sending, c) JSON with AJAX, d) Hit count, e) Write data to PDF, f) Display Image. g) Workout a Industry Based Project

Project Development:

At the end of the modules, students will be assigned with a Project Work on J2EE .

Certification as Trainee Software Engineer:

On successful completion of the training and assigned project work students get certified as Trainee JAVA Developer by SysAlgo Technology, the software division of Ejobindia.

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