Why Learn React Native App Development
The big reason to learn React Native is it allows you to use the same code for developing both Android and IOS applications. Moreover, it gives the same performance as native apps. Thus, it's the most popular hybrid app building technology these days.
React Native is an open-source framework for mobile app development and it was launched by Facebook. When it comes to choosing, entrepreneurs have a soft side to React native.
There so many famous companies already used this framework and never failed a day. Many tech giants including Skype, UberEats, delivery.com, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Vogue, Tesla, Bloomberg, and others have turned towards React Native for iOS and Android platforms.
Training Duration
The total duration of training is 150 Hrs. Training generally gets conducted on 2 days per week, for 3 hours per day. The full course takes around 5 months time to complete.
Course Fee
₹ 28,000
Course Structure
Basic Programming Recap & Aptitude
This module is designed to help students refresh their fundamental knowledge of C programming and assess their readiness for advanced programming concepts.
HTML Tags, Table/Div, Forms, image, form, css syntax, selectors, css properties, JavaScript concept, JavaScript events, JSON, JS HTML DOM, Methods, Documents, Elements, Events, Event Listener. Let and const keywords, Default Parameters, Arrow functions, Template Literals, Rest and spread operators Classes, Destructuring assignment, Promises, async await, && , || , ?? Operators, optional chaining
React JS overview, Library Vs. Framework, Basic configuration & installation, React Features, Virtual DOM, JSX, Components.
Directory structure, Create React app, Elements, Class, Components, Components Lifecycle, Rendering and Conditional rendering.
Overview, React JS state & props, Children, Updating states, React JS forms & events, Validations, React fragments, Refs, Keys, CSS in reactjs, HOC (Higher Order Components).
Overview, Theory, Hooks, Redux store, actions, reducer, updating component.
Install React Native CLI, Android studio overview, Xcode overview, React native Fundamentals and Overview, React native Development Environment, Create New Project, React Native Project Structure , App.js and index.js, package.json.React Native Features, React Native Advantages, React Native Limitations.
Functional Component, View, Text, useState, useEffect, AppState, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, Button, Style(Inline style, Using styleSheet), FlexLayout( flex, flexDirection, justifyContent, alignItems), Image, Scrollview, RefreshControl, Modal, Share, ImageBackground, Slider, Switch, Picker, FlatList, WebView
DrawerNavigator, CreateStackNavigator, TabNavigator, SwitchNavigator
Check mobile platforms, DatePickerAndroid, TimePickerAndroid, DatePickerIOS, ProgressBarAndroid, ProgressViewIOS , ToastAndroid, Alert, PermissionAndroid(Marshmellow), Keyboard handle, AsyncStorage React Native permissions for Android and iOS
React Context API to avoid prop drilling, JSON Parsing using Fetch API or Axios (GET & POST), Internet Connection Handle, ActivityIndicator, basic concepts of Redux Toolkit
Camera and Gallery, Google Maps, Get Device Current Location.
Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM), Firebase Data Base
Bonus Topics
Use of AI in React Native coding
Basic Overview of ChatGPT, Usecase of ChatGPT using context, Constraint and Expectation, Free sampling of AI based API consumption, Optimizing any basic backend crud operation or frontend project using the help of AI tools.
Project Work
A React Native Mobile App development both for Android and iOS environments using Redux Toolkit.

Certification as React Native Developer
On successful completion of the training and the assigned project work, students get certified as React Native Developer by SysAlgo Technologies, the software house of Ejobindia.
Commencing Batches
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