Why Learn PHP?
PHP is currently ranked as the most sought-after skill in JOB Market. For freshers with training on PHP courses in Kolkata, it is easy to step into the IT industry. PHP is free as well as secured web scripting language. This is the reason for its widespread popularity in the world of internet. PHP runs on more than 20 million websites including Facebook & Wikipedia.
There are many PHP training centers in Kolkata. EJOBINDIA is always counted among the top 3 PHP Training Institutes in Kolkata because of it's high-quality training and excellent placement record.
Training Duration
The total duration of training is 160 Hrs. Training generally gets conducted on 3 days per week, for 3 hours per day. The full course takes around 5 months time to complete.
Course Fee
₹ 24,500
Course Structure
HTML Tags, Table/Div, Forms, Image, Form, CSS syntax, selectors ,CSS properties, Javascript concept, Javascript events, various types of validation, JQuery concept, JQuery functions, useful plugins. Responsive Web Designing Pattern using Bootstrap-4
Online Training Demo Video
PHP Syntax, Comments, Variables, Value-passing, Conditional-statements, Loops, Arrays, Inbuilt and User-defined functions, Session, Cookies, PHP-Errors.
Online Training Demo Video
Database concept, SQL-Query(Create, Insert, Delete, Update, Select[with join]), Fundamental of Normalization [Data Redundancy & Foreign Key Constraints], Trigger and Store Procedure.
SQL-Query(Create, Insert, Delete, Update, Select[with join] using PHP), file upload, Ajax Concept, CRUD Operations, Query String, Session & AJAX, use of $.ajax() with example.
Object Oriented Programming through PHP with all types of MySql operation, Detail knowledge about class, object, inheritance, polymorphism, different types of variable in a class, encapsulation, Constructor, Destructor, Abstract class, Scalar Type Declaration, Traits, Generator Delegation, Coercive Mode, Namespace-Use, yield-return, Object Oriented Programming with Database Connectivity by PDO.
Online Training Demo Video
topicTopic 1: MVC Framework, Introduction to Laravel
Overview of MVC Framework, Overview of Composer, Overview of PHP Artisan Command, Installing & Configuring Laravel, Hello world Application
topicTopic 2: Laravel basics & programming
Understanding Structure of Laravel Project, Creating Controller and View, Sending Parameters using Controller and View, Understanding Model, Simple MVC application using BookStore
topicTopic 3: Session, Cookies, File Upload in Laravel
File Upload in Laravel, Session in Laravel, Cookies Implementation in Laravel, Understanding MiddleWare in Laravel.
topicTopic 4: Laravel advanced topics
Understanding Laravel Migration Technique, Understanding Resource Controller, Implementation of Ajax with Laravel.[Basic CRUD Operations], Laravel Relationship [One To Many,Many to Many with example], Basic CRUD OPERATION using Laravel Migration
topicTopic 5: Laravel Application with MongoDB (NoSQL DB)
Installation of MongoDB community Server on local machine, Download the MongoDB Latest Driver for Laravel, Laravel Data Migration with MongoDB CRUD Operations, REST API with Laravel & MongoDB.
Introduction to REST API Creation, Implementation of JWT Token in Laravel, Create a TestCase in POST MAN for Token Based Athentication, Make a AJAX Call with Laravel-JWT Login System
Bonus Topics
Use of AI in PHP coding
Basic Overview of ChatGPT, Usecase of ChatGPT using context, Constraint and Expectation, Free sampling of AI based API consumption, Optimizing any basic backend crud operation or frontend project using the help of AI tools.
Project Development using Laravel framework, Live Hosting
At the end of module 6 students get the expertise to develop an industry standard PHP project. So, at this stage, we provide project works to the students which they execute following a proper Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), and guide them to make that live at any of the free Hosting Servers.

Certification as Trainee Software Engineer
On successful completion of the training and the assigned project work, students get certified as Trainee PHP Developer by SysAlgo Technology, the software division of Ejobindia.
Commencing Batches
MERN Stack Development
Mar 15, 2025
MEAN Stack Development
Mar 12, 2025
Node JS
Mar 08, 2025
Web Designing
Mar 08, 2025