Dot Net Full Stack Development

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Full Stack Development:

A Full Stack developer is responsible for both Frontend and Backend development of a web application.

Earlier, developers would gain expertise in any of Frontend and Backend developments and pursue their career in that. However, the trends have changed now. The demand for seamless technology has mandated developers to work on both Frontend, Backend and many other inter-related fields. Full Stack Developers are in the limelight because of the numerous benefits they deliver. They comprehend and solve glitches across several streams of web and app development.

infoNow, we are offering both OFFLINE and ONLINE training ...

Training Overview:

The training would be provided on the popular back-end technology ASP.Net, and any of the high-demand front-end technologies, Angular or React JS. First, students would learn to create APIs (web services) using ASP.Net, and then they would learn to create dynamic front-end using Angular or React JS.

Training Duration

The total duration of training is 180 Hrs. The full course takes around 6 months time to complete.

Course Fee

₹ 33,000

Course Structure

Basic Programming Recap & Aptitude

This module is designed to help students refresh their fundamental knowledge of C programming and assess their readiness for advanced programming concepts.

Topic 1: JavaScript, jQuery, ES6

JavaScript Types (Internal, External), Variables, Dialogue Boxes, Output, Operators (Logical, Assignment), Data Types, Class-Object, Events & Event Listener, String & Methods, Array & Methods, Date & Moment, Loop (For, For/of, For/in, While), Typeof & Type Conversion, RegExp, Errors (Try, Catch, Finally, Throw), Scope, Hoisting, this Keyword, Call- Apply-Bind Functions, Arrow Functions, Async (Callback, Promise, Async/Await), JSON (Stringify, Parse, Objects), Debugging, Timing Events, Location, Storage & Cookies.

jQuery CDN, Selectors, Events, Effects, Add Elements (Append, Prepend, After, Before), Remove Elements (Remove, Empty), Manipulating CSS (AddClass, RemoveClass, ToggleClass, CSS), AJAX (GET, POST, LOAD)

Review of ES6 features.

Topic 2: Front-end Development Using Angular / React

In this Topic, you will learn Angular or Ract JS based on your selection of the Front-end technology.



Topic 3: Back-end API Development using ASP.Net

Topic 4: API Connectivity with Database

Connect to Database, Query Database (Insert/Update/Delete), Process Results.

Bonus Topics

Use of AI in Dot Net Fullstack coding

Basic Overview of ChatGPT, Usecase of ChatGPT using context, Constraint and Expectation, Free sampling of AI based API consumption, Optimizing any basic backend crud operation or frontend project using the help of AI tools.

Project Work: Full Stack Application Development

At the end of the course, the students will be assigned with a full-stack application development project from scratch. The student will be responsible for creating the Front-end (UX) part as well as the Back-end API part for the web application. The entire project will be guided by the Sr. Full Stack developers of our software unit.

Certification as Full Stack Developer

On successful completion of the training and the assigned project work, students will get certified as Trainee Full Stack Developer by SysAlgo Technologies, the software division of Ejobindia.

Commencing Batches

MERN Stack Development

Mar 15, 2025

MEAN Stack Development

Mar 12, 2025

Node JS

Mar 08, 2025

Web Designing

Mar 08, 2025

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