What is MEAN / MERN Stack Development:
MEAN / MERN is a collection of JavaScript-based technologies. In MEAN Stack we use MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js, and in MERN Stack we use MongoDB, Express.js, React JS, and Node.js to develop web applications.
MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas.
Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source front-end web application framework developed by Google.
React is an open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is developed and maintained by Facebook.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code server-side.
Training Duration
The total duration of training is 180 Hrs. The full course takes around 6 months time to complete.
Course Fee
₹ 33,000
Course Structure
Basic Programming Recap & Aptitude
This module is designed to help students refresh their fundamental knowledge of C programming and assess their readiness for advanced programming concepts.
Topic 1: JavaScript Basics, ES6 Features, TypeScript Fundamentals
JavaScript Basics: Variable Concept, Loop Concept, Array Concept, Complete Form Validations like Phone, Email, Password etc.
ES-6 Features: Arrow functions, introduction of let,const and their usage and differences, Useful Array functions like map, filter, find with Examples.
TypeScript Fundamentals: What is TypeScript? JavaScript vs TypeScript, Installation of TypeScript using npm, Basic Object Oriented Programming Concepts using TypeScript, Understanding ES-6 DataStructure Map & Set using TypeScript.
Online Training Demo Video
Topic 2: Front-end Development Using Angular / React
In this Topic, you will learn Angular if you are doing MEAN Stack development, and you will learn Ract JS if you are doing MERN Stack development.
Angular (used in MEAN Stack)
Introduction to Angular, Angular CLI commands, Basic configuration & installation, Angular environment setup. Create angular project and understand folder structure.
Online Training Demo Video
Angular Components, Components Lifecycle, create custom module, understand the role of AppModule and Component Declaration, component style, Databinding, string interpolation, property binding, property binding vs. string interpolation, passing and using data with event binding, two way databinding. Component Interaction using @Input and @Output decorator.
Understanding Angular Directives, @Component Directive, Structural Directives, Attribute Directives Custom Directives, Introduction Pipes, Built-in Pipes, Chaining Pipes, Custom Pipes.
Understanding Angular Routing system. Set different rout. Pass data using url, receive data from route. Angular lazy loading. Routing using guard.
Angular Service, Dependency Injection, Injecting A Service into Another Service, Parts of an Http Request HttpClient. BehaviorSubject, Subject, Observable, Observer.
Angular forms, Types of forms, Template-driven vs. Reactive forms, Template-driven forms, Reactive Forms, What is Form Validation? Types of Form Validation, Built-in Validators, Form control’s status and validity.
Online Training Demo Video
Introduction to Angular Material, Environment Setup and Installing Angular Material, Typography classes and their usage, Toggle Button Group Component usage and Example, User of toolbar as Navbar in Angular Material, Use of SideNav in Angular Material, Different Types of Buttons and their usage.
React (used in MERN Stack)
Simple types and Special types, Arrays, Tuples, Object Types, Enum, Interface, Union, Function Return types, Casting, Generics, Null, Undefined, Optional Chaining
React Introduction, Installation & Architecture, Library vs. Framework, Virtual DOM, Features, App Creation, JSX.
Keys, Refs, Lists, Fragments, Rendering Elements along with Conditional Rendering, Components (Class, Functional, Stateful, Stateless, Pure), Component Lifecycle, Difference between the Components, Events, Synthetic Events. Forms using Formik and Yup (Validation).
Initialization, Defining and Updating of State, PropTypes, Unidirectional Data Flow, Props Validation, State vs Props, Mutability and Immutability.
Introduction of React Hooks, useState() , useEffect(), useRef(), useMemo(), useCallback(), Context API.
Introduction of React Router, URL Parameters, Memory Router, Browser Router, Hash Router, Routes, Route, Link, Switch, NavLink, Code Splitting (React.lazy, Suspense, Fallback), Nested Routing, Dynamic Routing, Protected Routing with Authentication.
Introduction of React Redux, Redux -State, Store, Actions, Reducer, useSelector(), useDispatch(), useReducer() Add-on: Redux Toolkit
Topic 3: Backend Development Using Node.JS
Introduction and Basic Structure of Node.js as Server Container, Installation & Environment Setup.
Node.js ‘Hello world ‘ Application, REPL [Read Eval Print Loop] Terminal, Node.js CL Options with Use Case Examples.
Working with NPM.[Node Package Manager], different Types of flags and their usage.
Node.js Modules with example, HTTP Modules, URL Modules, Node.js File Systems.
Node.js Events with example, Node.js Buffers, Node.js Streams, Node.js callbacks.
Global Object, Node.js Web Modules with example, Upload file.
Topic 4: Express Framework
Frameworks for Node.js, installing express framework, basic routing concept, REST API, scaling application, serve static resources.
Topic 5: MongoDB Connection & Data Management
What is NOSQL? Differences between RDBMS and NOSQL, Environment Setup & Installation of MongoDB, use case example of use of dbpath flag, MongoDB datatypes
MongoDB Basic database Operatrions like Create Database,Drop database,Create Collection , Drop Collection, Insert documents,delete documents ,update documents , selecting documents with example.
MongoDB Operators, Query & Projection operator,Aggregation Pipeline Framework,limit(),sort() with example.
MongoDb indexes, MongoDB text search, MongoDB sorting, SQL to MongoDB Mapping.
Topic 6: Node.js Connection With MongoDB
Basic configuration & install MongoDB driver, create database & collection, MongoDB queries through Node.JS.
Online Training Demo Video
Topic 7: MEAN / MERN Stack Development Prototype
Angular/React JS connectivity with Node.js API through HTTP request, data management through Angular/React JS & Node.js using MongoDB.
Bonus Topics
Use of AI in MEAN stack coding
Basic Overview of ChatGPT, Usecase of ChatGPT using context, Constraint and Expectation, Free sampling of AI based API consumption, Optimizing any basic backend crud operation or frontend project using the help of AI tools.

Project Assignment & Hosting
On completion of the training, an industry-standard MEAN/MERN Stack App development project will be assigned. The project assignment will be to develop a web application using MEAN/MERN Stack. It will be an end-to-end project development where the students will create both Frontend and Backend of the web applications. The project will be guided by the Sr. Full Stack developers of our development unit “SysAlgo Technologies”
Live Project Hosting (Node.js + Express Hosting, Angular Hosting, Use of MongoDB Atlas DBAAS Cloud Hosting).

Certification as MEAN/MERN Stack Developer
On successful completion of the training and the assigned project work, students will get certified as Trainee MEAN/MERN Stack Developer by SysAlgo Technologies, the software division of Ejobindia.
Commencing Batches
MERN Stack Development
Mar 15, 2025
MEAN Stack Development
Mar 12, 2025
Node JS
Mar 08, 2025
Web Designing
Mar 08, 2025